Use "idle talk" in a sentence
idle talk example sentences
idle talk
1. Later as they lay back and indulged in that idle talk of two who
2. My idea was; if Jesus spoke about it, the words were worth listening to, for idle talk was not something He did
3. description of Matt"s cabin from idle talks with Matt
4. She is everything to me; more to me than suffering, more to me than wrong, more to me--Well! This is idle talk
5. "Pass judgment on your chivalries, senor," returned Sancho, "and don't set yourself up to judge of other men's fears or braveries, for I am as good a fearer of God as my neighbours; but leave me to despatch these skimmings, for all the rest is only idle talk that we shall be called to account for in the other world;" and so saying, he began a fresh attack on the bucket, with such a hearty appetite that he aroused Don Quixote's, who no doubt would have helped him had he not been prevented by what must be told farther on
6. Caitlin kissed Carroll again and the idle talk stopped
7. All this discussion of the possibility of establishing peace instead of continual warfare is but the mischievous sentimentalism of idle talkers
8. He had hoped to spend that evening undisturbed with his wife, and he well knew that when the ladies of the regiment came to call upon each other "for only a second," it meant a whole evening of listening to idle talk